Player Registration
Online Player Registration
What you’ll need to provide
Please take a moment to read through the following information before registering your son or daughter.
Please take the time to read this entire message.
CVSA has adopted a new automated registration system, TeamSnap. You can still pay your registration fee online using MasterCard, VISA. You may also register online and mail a cheque for the registration fee.
If registering more than one child (and to receive the family discount), you will need to add a sibling onto the initial registration form. The prompt is about halfway down the registration page and looks like this:
To add a sibling to this registration, please click the Add Registration button →
Don't forget to send all of your information to us to complete the registration:
- Payment of Registration Fee
- Proof of Age - for all players new to CVSA. Acceptable proof of age is a photocopy of either your child's care card, birth certificate or passport.
YOUR REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT AND PROOF OF AGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY CVSA. Your child will NOT be placed on a team until these items are received.
We have done our best to make this process as simple as possible. Please spend the time to read the fields on the forms so that your registration can be processed as quickly as possible.
As well, U13-18 players must complete the registration process prior to attending the evaluation sessions for their age divisions in April, May and June.
Early registration fees are in effect until June 30th after which time the regular registration fees come into place. There will be a registration deadline Sept 9th so that teams can be assigned and players declared to the governing bodies. After the teams have been declared registration will reopen (end Sept) for teams that have spots available.
Fees for 2024/25 Season
- Early Registration: Fees shown during the registration process reflect the reduced fee.
- u5/6 Girls and Boys $180
- U7/8/9/10 Boys and Girls $220 (-$25)
- U11-18 Girls and Boys $270 (-$25)
- Regular Registration:
- u5/6 Girls and Boys $180
- U7/8/9/10 Boys and Girls $245
- U11-18 Girls and Boys $295
- Discounts:
- 2 player families from $25
- 3 player families from $50
- 4 player families from $75
Once the season has started, all registrants pay full price up to December 15 (plus any family discount that is applicable). After December 15, the price is $100 per player for the remainder of the season. No family discounts past December 15.
- Up to September 15 - price paid less $15 administration fee
- September 16 to October 31 - price paid less $75 ($75 represents fees paid to governing bodies + administration fee)
- November 1 - no refunds.
- Refunds will not be issued until after October 31.
Evaluations occur every year to determine team placement for our U13 to U18 age group. Players will be notified of the evaluation dates via email.
Your child MUST be fully registered to evaluate for the upcoming season.
See the top note above to ensure your know what "fully registered" means.
Assessment schedule for Fall 2024/25 season: All assessments at the Sherman rd soccer field.
- U11 (2014 born) and u12 (2013 born) Super 8 – End of August/beginning September dates tbd
- U13 (2012 born) – April 18 and 25
- Boys 5-6:30
- Girls 6:30-8pm
- U14 (2011 born) – May 2 and 9
- Boys 5-6:30
- Girls 6:30-8pm
- U15 (2010 born) – May 16 and 23
- Boys 5-6:30
- Girls 6:30-8pm
- U16 (2009 born) – May 30 and June 6
- Boys 5-6:30
- Girls 6:30-8
- U17/18 (2008/07 born) – June 13 and 20
- Boys 5-6:30
- Girls 6:30-8
The cost organized sports can be a financial barrier to participation and limit the choices for some families.
Kidsport Cowichan works to fulfill its mission of eliminating the financial barriers to sport participation, "So All Kids Can Play!".
- KidSport BC provides grants of up to $400 per eligible child, per year (January 1st - December 31st) towards sport registration fees
- Children ages 18 and under are eligible to apply for a grant
- Grants are to be used for the payment of sport participation/registration fees up to the maximum established by the chapter
- Camps, equipment, lessons, travel to playoffs, fundraising, championships, etc. are not eligible expenses
- Applications must be received prior to, or at the beginning of the requested season of sport
- Approval based on financial need
- Kidsport Website
Canadian Tire's Jumpstart is dedicated to removing barriers, so children can participate in organized sport and recreation. They're dedicated to "Giving Kids a Sporting Chance". For more information on how to apply for funding , please visit: Kidsport or Jumpstart.
- Jumpstart supports children between the ages of 4 to 18 from families in financial need that are enrolled in sport and play in Canada
- Jumpstart funds up to a maximum of $300 per activity ($600 annually), subject to chapter discretion and/or local demands
- It is an online application only
- Approval based on financial need
- JumpStart website
In addition to these two programs, Cowichan Tribes members may receive grant funds from Cowichan Tribes. Your child must supply their status number to CVSA (must start with 642) to qualify. If registering online, there is a specific spot to enter your status number.

PO Box 708
Duncan, British Columbia , v9l3y1